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Advertise with Portland Chinese Times

Since 1997, Portland Chinese Times has been the primary source of information and news for the Chinese community in Oregon. We mainly focus on LOCAL NEWS within the community, which our readers interested most. We don’t have a political background, which enables us to enjoy a wide readership. No matter they are Chinese coming from China, Taiwan, Hong Kong, Vietnam or other Asian countries, they are our readers.


In order to better serve our readers and customers, eight years ago we launched our website, putting all our advertisements on-line and in March 2011, we upgraded our website with more features with news videos.

In terms of effectiveness of advertising, Portland Chinese Times:

  • offers advertising options with our weekly
  • offers online advertising
  • sells five to six times more classified advertising than our competitors
  • sells more corporate and national brand advertisers than our competitors
We are convinced that Portland Chinese Times is the most effective media for promoting your services and products to the Chinese Community. We strongly believe that it will prove to be beneficial to you and your company.

If you are interested in advertise with us, in our newspaper and/or at our web-site or doing a Promotion Interview, please contact us.

廣 告 刊 登


為加強對讀者的服務,八年前,本報開闢了網站 www.portlandchinesetimes.com ,將報紙整版上網。隨著科技的潮流,在2011年3月,本報將原來的網頁進行大革新,加入視頻,使《波特蘭新聞》全面跨入『網路時代』。


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